Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Post-Separation Assets

What Happens to Post-Separation Assets?  Parties can build up significant assets after separation and should be aware of how those assets are treated in family law proceedings. Property that is acquired after separation but before a formal property settlement is considered part of the property pool up until the property settlement time limits have been […]

from Cudmore Legal https://www.cudmorelegal.com.au/divorce/post-separation-assets/
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Monday, September 14, 2020

Sole Divorce Applications

You can apply for a divorce on your own without your former spouses consent, this is called a sole application for divorce. You might need to do a sole application for divorce if:   Your former spouse does not want to get a divorce; or   You are unable to locate your spouse.   So long as you […]

from Cudmore Legal https://www.cudmorelegal.com.au/divorce/sole-divorce-applications/
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Getting a divorce while living together

People remain under the same roof for various reasons after separation. The reasons can be financial such as waiting for a home to sell or the inability to afford separate households. Can I file for divorce if we still live together? Yes, you can get a divorce if you are under the same roof or […]

from Cudmore Legal https://www.cudmorelegal.com.au/divorce/getting-a-divorce-while-living-together/
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How to Get a Divorce in Australia

Getting a divorce in Australia is a national process. It is the same for all states in Australia. The steps vary between whether or note your a sole applicant or joint applicant and whether or not you have children. Step 1  – Meet the eligibility requirements  In order to get a divorce in Australia, a person […]

from Cudmore Legal https://www.cudmorelegal.com.au/divorce/how-to-get-a-divorce-in-australia/
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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Superannuation, Divorce and Separation

Is my ex de facto/wife/husband entitled to my superannuation? In all Australian states (except Western Australia) superannuation is considered an asset in the same way property is with a property settlement. This means that like any other asset, it is included in the property pool and can be divided under a Superannuation Agreement if necessary. […]

from Cudmore Legal https://www.cudmorelegal.com.au/divorce/superannuation-divorce-and-separation/
via https://www.cudmorelegal.com.au